How to transfer a gateway to another account?
Here is a video on how to transfer a gateway from one account to another one.
Transferring gateways can be useful if for instance you are not near your lock to connect it with a gateway and you have some you trust set it up for you.
Example: If you are lock owner (super admin) and are not near the lock, you can have someone else set up the gateway. After they set up the gateway, they can transfer the gateway to your account. Once the gateway is transferred, any locks near the gateway that are under your account will connect to the gateway.
Follow these steps to transfer your gateway to another account.
1. Go to account settings.
2. Select "Transfer Gateway".
3. Select which gateway to transfer and tap on Next.
4. In the recipient section, enter the email address or phone number for the account of the recipient. This will be either phone number or email they used to register their account. If it is a phone number, +1 may need to put in front of the phone number.
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