My lock is already paired, why is my lock not showing in my sifely app pro when I open the app or log in to my account?
Why did my lock disappear from my account? I did not reset it.
Why is my lock not showing in the webportal, and I’m getting an error message?
We apologize that there is an issue with our Sifely App Pro and Web Portal; our development team will fix this issue; however, they need more time to resolve it.
In the meantime, Here's a temporary solution to resolve the issue of the lock not showing in the webportal and Sifely App Pro.
Sifely App Pro- When it appears “time out“ or receive an error message on our Sifely Pro app, please click the OK button on the error pop-up and then drop down to refresh the page. We attached the sample GIF guide for your reference.
Web portal -When logging in to the web portal and getting an error “time out “ or any error on our Web portal and still the lock is not showing, please click “all the locks“ on the left of the list, and all the locks will appear.
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